• Sallad

    • Ceasarsallad

      149 kr

      Romansallad blandas med husets ceasardressing, serveras med hyvlad parmesan, krutonger och kycklingfilé.
      Romaine lettuce is mixed with the house's ceasar dressing, served with planed parmesan, croutons and chicken fillet.

    • Grekisk sallad

      139 kr

      Blandsallad, soltorkade tomater, rödlök, kalamataoliver, äkta grekisk fetaost serveras med vinägrett.
      Mixed salad, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion, kalamata olives, real Greek feta cheese served with vinaigrette.

    • Kebabsallad

      119 kr

      Blandsallad, tomat, gurka, rödlök, fefferoni, gyros kebab med valfri dressing.
      Mix salad, tomato, cucumber, red onion, pepperoni, gyros kebab with optional dressing.

    • Räksallad

      159 kr

      Handskalade räkor, blandsallad, körsbärstomater, kokt ägg, gurka, citron och Rhode Islandsås.
      Hand peeled shrimp, mixed salad, cherry tomatoes, boiled egg, cucumber, lemon and Rhode Island sauce.

    • Burgers

    • Bacon Cheese Burger

      149 kr

      Hemlagad hamburgare i rostat sesambröd med rödlök, tomater, saltgurka, krispig sallad, cheddarost, bacon, tzatziki och pommesfrites.
      Homemade burgers in toasted sesame bread with red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, crispy salad, cheddar cheese, bacon, tzatziki and french fries.

    • Husets Burgare

      139 kr

      Hemlagad hamburgare i rostat sesambröd med rödlök, tomater, saltgurka, krispig sallad, tzatziki och pommesfrites.
      Homemade burger in toasted sesame bread with red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, crispy salad, tzatziki and french fries.

    • Vegetarisk burgare

      139 kr

      Halloumiburgare med tryffelmajonäs, rödlök, tomater och saltgurka.
      Halloumi burger with truffle mayonnaise, red onion, tomatoes and pickles.

    • Gyros rätter

    • Kebab Alexander

      119 kr

      Blandsallad, skivat bröd, gyroskött, valfri dressing.
      Mix salad, sliced ​​bread, gyro meat, optional dressing.

    • Kebab i Bröd

      119 kr

      Isbergssallad, tomat, gurka, rödlök, feferoni, gyroskött, valfri dressing.
      Iceberg salad, tomato, cucumber, red onion, fferoni, gyro meat, optional dressing.

    • Kebab Rulle

      119 kr

      Isbergssallad, tomat, gurka, rödlök, feferoni, gyroskött, valfri dressing.
      Iceberg salad, tomato, cucumber, red onion, fferoni, gyro meat, optional dressing.

    • Kebab Special

      119 kr

      Blandsallad, gyroskött, pommesfrites, valfri dressing.
      Mix salad, gyro meat, french fries, optional dressing.

    • Pizza Originale

    • Al Frutti Di Mare

      125 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, blå musslor i skal, tonfisk, handskalade räkor, citron.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, blue mussels in shell, tuna, hand peeled shrimps, lemon.

    • Bolognese

      105 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, köttfärssås, rödlök.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, minced meat sauce, red onion.

    • Bussola

      109 kr

      Tomat, ost, äkta kokt skinka, handskalade räkor.
      Tomato, cheese, real cooked ham, hand peeled shrimps.

    • Calzone

      110 kr

      Tomåtsås, ost, äkta kokt skinka (inbakad).
      Tomato sauce, cheese, real cooked ham (baked).

    • Capriciosa

      109 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, färska champinjoner, äkta kokt skinka.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, fresh mushrooms, real cooked ham.

    • Cecillina

      110 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, italiensk salami, kalamataoliver, ruccola.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, Italian salami, calamata olives, ruccola.

    • Hawai

      109 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, äkta kokt skinka, ananas.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, real cooked ham, pineapple.

    • Margherita

      105 kr

      Tomatsås, mozarella, basilika.
      Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil

    • Marinara

      120 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, blå musslor i skal, handskalade räkor, citron.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, blue mussels in shell, hand peeled shrimps, lemon.

    • Quattro Stagioni

      125 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, blåmusslor i skal, färska champinjoner, handskalade räkor, kronärtskocka.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, mussels in shell, fresh mushrooms, hand peeled shrimp, artichoke.

    • Tonno

      105 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, tonfisk.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, tuna.

    • Vegetariana

      110 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, grillad paprika, tomater, lök, färska champinjoner, kalamataoliver.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, grilled peppers, tomatoes, onions, fresh mushrooms, calamata olives.

    • Vesuvio

      105 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, äkta kokt skinka.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, real cooked ham.

    • Pizza Speciale

    • Azzuri

      125 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, handskalade räkor, grillad paprika, purjolök, tomat, ruccola, aioli.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, hand peeled shrimp, grilled paprika, leeks, tomato, arugula, aioli.

    • Bagarens special

      145 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, oxfilé, färska champinjoner, rödlök, grillad paprika, tomat, bearnaiesås.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, fillet of beef, fresh mushrooms, red onion, grilled pepper, tomato, bearnae sauce.

    • Caesar

      119 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, kycklingfilé, bacon, parmesan, caesardressing, ruccola.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, chicken fillet, bacon, parmesan, caesar dressing, arugula.

    • Gorgonzola

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, oxfilé, färska champinjoner, gorgonzola, stark krydda.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, fillet of beef, fresh mushrooms, gorgonzola, strong spice.

    • Greca

      115 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, fetaost, grillad paprika, rödlök, kalamataoliver, pesto, ruccola.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, feta cheese, grilled paprika, red onion, kalamata olives, pesto, arugula.

    • Lazio

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, fläskfilé, gorgonzola, tomater, ruccola, bearnaiesås.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, pork fillet, gorgonzola, tomatoes, arugula, bearnae sauce.

    • Napoli

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, fläskfilé, färska champinjoner, tomater, grillad paprika, rödlök, bearnaiesås.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, pork fillet, fresh mushrooms, tomatoes, grilled pepper, red onion, bearnae sauce.

    • Parma

      129 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, prosciutto crudo, tomat, basillika, parmesan.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, prosciutto crudo, tomato, basil, parmesan.

    • Parma Special

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, prosciutto crudo, tomat, pinjenötter, spenat, parmesan, honung.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, prosciutto crudo, tomato, pine nuts, spinach, parmesan, honey.

    • Pollo

      125 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, kycklingfilé, grillad paprika, purjolök, curry, mangokräm.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, chicken fillet, grilled paprika, leeks, curry, mango cream.

    • Quattro Formagio

      125 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, gorgonzola, fetaost, körsbärstomat, ruccola, parmesan.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, gorgonzola, feta cheese, cherry tomato, arugula, parmesan.

    • Toscana

      120 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, färska champinjoner, soltorkade tomater, färsk sparris.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, fresh mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh asparagus.

    • Valentino

      120 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, banan, ananas, handskalade räkor, curry, mangokräm.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, banana, pineapple, hand peeled shrimp, curry, mango cream.

    • Verona

      129 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, chevréost, bacon, ruccola, honung.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, chevré cheese, bacon, arugula, honey.

    • Gyros Kebab Pizzor

    • Baresi

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, gyroskött, tomat, rödlök, feferoni, sallad, gurka. Ingredienserna läggs på efteråt. Valfri dressing.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, gyro, tomato, red onion, feferoni, salad, cucumber. The ingredients are added afterwards. Optional dressing.

    • Roma

      139 kr

      Tomatsås, ost, gyroskött, färska champinjoner, rödlök, feferoni, valfri dressing.
      Tomato sauce, cheese, gyro meat, fresh mushrooms, red onion, feferoni, optional dressing.